(Coptic, Ethiopian, Syrian Orthodox and Armenian)
In 1993, | published a book on this topic entitled Réle des images et vénération des icénes dans les Eglises orthodoxes orientales (with an English translation in 2018 at Lit Verlag, and an Arabic translation in 2021 by An Nour in Beirut). In my book then proved with literary examples that:
1) there exist pictures, wall paintings, illuminations and icons with representations of Christ, of the Virgin and of the Saints in all the Oriental Orthodox Churches of the Coptic, Syriac, Armenian and Ethiopian rites; 2) in all these Oriental Orthodox Churches, icons are venerated. There are also prayers to bless these pictures/icons/wall paintings. With this aim in mind, made a short demonstration of the four traditions throughout the centuries, since the beginning of Christianity until today, with a presentation of different texts of these traditions through their history, lives of Saints, accounts of travellers, etc. Many of such texts are found in the languages of each Church tradition, including Arabic, and also translated into western languages.
المتحدث : Christine Chaillot
est membre de I’Eglise orthodoxe de Genéve (Patriarcat cecuménique), et spécialiste des relations entre Eglises œ orthodoxes orientales. Elle a beaucoup voyagé dans le monde orthodoxe