Publication Rules

Instructions to authors of Bulletin of the Coptic Archaeological Society:

1. Please send your manuscript in printed form, in duplicate, to the address of 222 Ramses St., Abbassya, Cairo; or in electronic form in Word and PDF versions at

2. For the general presentation, please note the following:

To. the fonts used must be of the Unitrade type, preferably Antinoou;

subtitles within the article should be numbered;

for footnotes, use the author’s name and the abbreviation of the title of the work, give the page number or the specific paragraph. Example: RUSSEL, Sound as Symbol, p. 115-120;

do not use the following forms: loc cit., op. cit., ibid., idem, a.a.O, f., ff. seq etc;

Give at the end of the article the name of the author, institution, postal address and e-mail.

3. At the end of the article, an alphabetical list of referenced authors will include the complete bibliographic data respecting the following rules:

– name and first name of the author in small capitals with initial letter in upper case,

– title of article / book, journal, collection in italics.

4. Below are examples of bibliographic data:

Citation of an article

ZANETTI, Manuscrits de st-Macaire = UGO ZANETTI, Manuscrits de st-Macaire Supplement no 2, in [or: in] BSAC, 54 (2015), p. [or: S.] 179-221.

2. Quote from a book

YOUSSEF, The Rite of Consecration = YOUHANNA NESSIM YOUSSEF, The Rite of Consecration of the Myron, edited, translated and annotated, with an Annex by SAMEH FAROUK SOLIMAN, The Greek Texts in the Manuscripts (Publications de la Société d’archéologie copte, Textes and documents, 18), Cairo, 2017.

5. If the article includes non-authored illustrations, these must be accompanied by permission to publish.

6. Abbreviations for papyrus publications will follow the form used by John F. Oates of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic papyri, Ostraca and Tablets, which you can find on the internet at / docs / checklist. For websites, please use this system: (20/5/2020).

7. To refer to Coptic dialects, use the acronyms described by R. Kasser in: Journal of Coptic Studies (1990), Dialect of Coptic, p.141-151.


Nabil Farouk F. Awad

Editorial Committee


Members of our society as well as non-members are invited to submit articles for publication in our journal. Articles may concern the Coptic language, its literature, its history, its art, architecture and archeology in order to develop our knowledge in these fields. The Editorial Board is responsible for accepting the article for publication.

Articles can be written in French, English, German or Arabic. Articles in Arabic, however, are limited to two articles per newsletter. Instructions as to the required forms can be found on the last page of this volume. Articles can be sent attached to an email (doc and pdf) addressed to

The company accepts no responsibility for the opinions expressed by the authors of the articles.


This list only includes abbreviations of Journals, Reports and Publications directly related to the activities and studies of our Society.

AA Archäologischer Anzeiger
AAAHP Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia
AASS Acta Sanctorum (Antverpiae et alibi 1643 ss.)
Aeg. Trev. Aegyptiaca Treverensia. Trierer Studien zum griechisch-römischen Ägypten
Afo Archiv für Orientforschung
Äg.Lev. Ägypten und Levante
AJA American Journal of Archaeology
AMG Annales du Musée Guimet
AnBoll Analecta Bollandiana
AnIsl Annales Islamologiques
ANTF Arbeiten zur Neutestamentlichen Textforschung
APF Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
ARCE American Research Center in Egypt
ArchRep Archaeological Reports. Counc. of the Soc. for the Prom. of Hellenic Stud. (Londres)
ArchByzMnem Ἀρχεῖον τῶν βυζαντινῶν μνημείων τῆς Ἐλλάδος
ArchPF Archiv für Papyrusforschung
ASAE Annales du Service des Antiquités de l՚Égypte
AV Archäologische Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Archäo-logischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo
AW Antike Welt
BASP Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
BEC Bibliothèque d՚études coptes
BHO Paul Peeters, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis, (Bruxelles 1910)
Bibl. d՚Et. Bibliothèque d՚Études
Bibl.Or. Bibliotheca Orientalis
Biblical.Arch. Biblical Archaeologist
BIE Bulletin de l՚Institut d՚Égypte
BIFAO Bulletin de l᾿Institut Français d᾿Archéologie Orientale
BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
BKV Bibliothek der Kirchenväter
BMMA The Metrotolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
BSAA Bulletin de la Societé d՚Archéologie d՚Alexandrie
BSAC Bulletin de la Société d᾿Archéologie Copte
Byz Byzantion
ByzZeit Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Cah.Archéol Cahiers Archéologiques
CBC Cahiers de la Bibliothèque Copte
CEPOA Centre d՚Étude du Proche-Orient Ancient
ChrEg Chronique d᾿Égypte
CMCL Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari
CMR Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, (Leiden – Boston 2009 ss.)
CO Cahiers d᾿Orientalisme, (Genève 1981 ss.) 
CoptEnc Aziz S. Atiya (ed.). The Coptic Encyclopedia. New York 1991, 8 vol.
CorsiRavenna  Corsi di cultura sull՚arte ravennate e bizantina
CPC  Clavis Patrum Copticorum <>
CPG Clavis Patrum Graecorum, edited by M. Geerard, F. Glorie, and J. Noret. Turnhout 1974–2003, 7 vols.
CRIPEL  Cahier de recherches de l՚Institut de Papyrologie et d՚Égyptologie de Lille
CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (Louvain 1903 ss.)
DACL Dictionnaire d᾿Archéologie Chrétienne et de Liturgie
DDGLC  Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic <>
Delt.Chr.A.  Δελτίον τῆς Χριστιανικής ἀρχαιολογικής εταιρείας
DHGE Dictionnaire d᾿Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques (Paris 1912 ss.)
DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers
EA  Egyptian Archaeology
EAe Encylopaedia Aethiopica. vols. 1–3, ed. Siegbert Uhlig; vol. 4, ed. Siegbert Uhlig and Alessandro Bausi; vol. 5, ed. Alessandro Bausi and Siegbert Uhlig. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003–2014.
ECA Eastern Christian Art in its Late Antique and Islamic Contexts
Egyptes Egyptes. Histoires et cultures.Centre vauclusien d᾿égyptologie (Avignon). Continué par Egypte
EK 8184, I R. KASSER et al., EK 8184, I- Survey archéologique des Kellia (Basse Égypte), Rapport de la campagne 1981, (Louvain-Leuven 1983). 
EK 8184, II  R. KASSER et al., MSAC Mission Suisse d՚Archéologie Copte de l՚Université de Genève. EK 8184, II- Explorations aux Qouçoûr er-Roubâʾîyât. Rapport des campagnes 1982 et 1983 (Louvain-Leuven 1994).
EK 8184, III R. KASSER et al., MSAC Mission Suisse d՚Archéologie Copte de l՚Université de Genève. EK 8184, III- Explorations aux Qoucoûr El- Izeila lors des campagnes 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1989 et 1990. (Louvain-Leuven 1999).
FIFAO Fouilles de l՚Institut Français d՚Archéologie Orientale du Caire
GCAL Georg Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, ST 118, 133, 146, 172 (Città del Vaticano 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953)
GCS  Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller
HdO  Handbuch der Orientalistik
HTR  Harvard Theological Review
ICCoptS 7 Mat Immerzeel & Jacques van der Vliet (eds.). Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millennium I-II. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden 2000. 2 vol. OLA 133. Leuven 2004.
ICCoptS 8  Anne Boud՚hors & Nathalie Bosson (eds.), Actes du huitième congrès international des études coptes (Paris, 28 juin-3 juillet 2004). OLA 163. Leuven 2007.
ICCoptS 10 Paola Buzi, Alberto Camplani, Federico Contardi (eds.). Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22th, 2012 and Plenary Reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th-19th, 2008. OLA 247. Leuven 2016.
JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
JbAC Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum
JCoptS Journal of Coptic Studies
JCSCS Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies
JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
JECS Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
JJP Journal of Juristic Papyrology
JNES  Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JÖByz Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik
JTS Journal of Theological Studies
JRSt Journal of Roman Studies
LingAeg Lingua Aegyptia
LMC Le Monde Copte. Collection encyclopédique
MDAIK Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo
MiChA Mittellungen zur Chrislichen Archäeologie
MIFAO Mémoires publiés par les membres de l᾿Institut Français d᾿Archéologie Orientale
MMAF M.U. Bouriant (ed.), Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique françaisedu Caire
Mus Le Muséon
OC Oriens Christianus
OCA Orientalia Christiana Analecta
ОСР Orientalia Christiana Periodica
OLA Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta
OLZ  Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
OMRO Oudheidkundige mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 
Orientalia Orientalia – Rivista del Pontificio Istituto Biblico
OstKSt Ostkirchliche Studien
PAM Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean
PAThs Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature <>
PG J.-P. Migne. Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca. Paris 1857–1866, 161 vols.
PL J.-P. Migne. Patrologiae cursus completus, series latina. Paris 1844–1865, 221 vols.
ΡΟ Patrologia Orientalis (Paris 1903 ss.)
POC Proche-Orient Chrétien
PrKG Propyläen Kunstgeschichte
PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
RAC ReallexiKon für Antike und Christentum
RdE Revue d᾿Égyptologie
RdT Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l՚archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes
RecTrav Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l᾿archéologie égyptienne et assyriennes
RGRW Religions in the Graeco-Roman World
RM Rӧmische Mitteilungen
ROC Revue de l᾿Orient chrétien
RQu Römische Quartätschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchegeschichte
SC Sources Chrétiennes (Paris 1941 ss.)
SKCO Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients
SOCC Studia Orientalia Christiana Collectanea
SPP Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde
ST Studi e Testi (Città del Vaticano 1900 ss.)
STAC Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum
StudPap Studia Papyrologica
ΘΕΜΕΛΙΑ M. Krause–S. Schaten (Hrsg.), ΘEMEAIA. Spätantike und koptologische Studien. Peter Grossmann zum 65 Geburtstag [SKCO 3, 1998] (Wiesbaden 1998)
TU Texte und Untersuchungen
TUGACL Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur
VigChr Vigiliae Christianae
WUNT Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
ZAC Zeitschrif für Antikes Christentum
ZÄS Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik