Volume 53 (2014)



Aghathon El-Antoni
Philokalia: “Love of (spiritual) Beaty”, p. 11 – 26.

E. Agaiby
Asceticism and social harmony, p. 27 – 49.

S. Ahmed
Two Coptic legal ostraca, p. 51 – 58.

P. Grossmann–J. Kościuk
Report on the excavations at Abū Mīnā in April 2014, Pl. I-VI, p. 59 – 74.

J. Jarry
Le style d’une église depend-il des croyances de ceux qui l’ont construité? p. 75 – 88.

M. Magdy Anwar
Le lion dans l’art copte, Pl. VII-XXVI, p. 89 – 132.

S. Nabil
Four unpublished Demotic ostraca from the reign of Au-gustus, Pl. XXVII-XXVIII, p. 133 – 143.

C. Römer
Graffiti from Abu Mena, Pl. IXXX-XXXI, p. 145 – 154.

Youhanna N. Youssef
The Psalis of the 21 Ba’ûnah on the consecration of the first church dedicated to the THEOTOKOS at Philippi, p. 155 – 173.

U. Zanetti
La Liturgie dans les monastères de Shenoute, p. 175 – 232.



A.Boud’hors, Le Canon 8 de Chénouté, introduction, édition cri-tique. Bibliothèque d’Études Coptes 21, 1 et 2, (Le Caire: IFAO 2013 (par Y. N. Youssef), p. 233 – 235.

Historical bibliography of Christian Egypt and Nubia, assembled and annotated (By P. Grossmann), p. 237 – 254.


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