Volume 45 (2006)



Peter Grossmann
Neue Beobachtungen zur Sergioskirche von Alt-Kairo, p. 9 – 24.

Peter Grossmann
Zu Evagrios’ Pontikos’ 2. Brief, Absatz 3: “Becher und Schalen verstehen (wir) Hiesigen nicht herzustellen”, p. 25 – 27.

Peter Grossmann and Jacek Kosciuk
Report on the Excavations at Abu Mina in Spring 2006, p. 29 – 42.

J.-K. Grossmann
Some Observations on the Arabic Life of Pachomios (MS Göttingen University Library 116) Compared to the Coptic and Greek Lives, p. 43 – 58.

B. Huber
Die Klosteranlage Deir el-Qarabin bei el-Kom el-Ahmar//Šaruna in Mittelägypten, p. 59 – 68.

Jacek Kosciuk
From One of the Last Late Antique Creations to a Small Mediaeval Village. The Case of Abu Mina, p. 69 – 80.

Mahmoud El-Hamrawi
The synthetic bw śḏm=f, bw śḏm.t=f and bw śḏm.n=f as trasitional verbal forms of n śḏm=f, n śḏm.t=f and n śḏm=f, n śḏm.t=f of Middle Egyptian to periphrastic bw pu=f sḏm, bw ir.t=f śḏm and bw ir=f śḏm of Late Egyptian, p. 81 – 94.

Samiha Abd El-Shaheed
Supplement to the Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Coptic Museum, p. 95 – 105.

H. Szymanska, Kr. Babraj
Polish Excavations in the Basilica at Marea (Egypt), p. 107 – 117.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
A Martyr of Unknown Biography Attributed to Julius of Akfahs, p. 119 – 133.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
The Book Order of the Priesthood, by Severus Ibn al-Muqaffa’ Bishop of Al- Ashmunein, Revisited, p. 135 – 145.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
The pseudo Severii, p. 147 – 151.

U. Zanetti, supplément a l’Inventaire des manuscrits de Saint-Macaire, p. 153 – 195.



Awad Wadi OFM
Fragments de Mss arabes conservés dans la bibliotheque de la Société d’Archéologie Copte, p. 197 – 214.

Girgis Daoud
La matuére premiére utilisée dans les tissus coptes, p. 215 – 222.



Nabih Kamel Daoud, تاريخ كنيسة الملاك ميخائيل البحري بحدائق القبة – [histoire de l’église du Nord de l’Ange Michel, Hadayq al-Qubbah- Le Caire] par Youhanna N. Youssef, p. 223 – 224.

Jacques Van Der Vliet, Catalogue of the Coptic Inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum (1. Khartoum Copt.), Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta par Youhanna N. Youssef, p. 224 – 226.

Adam Lajtar, Catalogue of the Greek Inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum (L. Khartoum Greek), Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta par YOUHANNA N. YOUSSEF, p. 226 – 227.

Historical bibliography of Christian Egypt and Nubia, assembled and annotated by P. GROSSMANN and S. SCHATEN, p. 228 – 244.



Programme des conferences au siege de la Soc. d’Archéologie Copte, p. 245.


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