Volume 48 (2009)



W. Boutros-Ghali
Les soixante quinze ans de la Société d’Archéologie Copte, p. 9 – 15.

P. Grossmann
Report on the excavation in Antinoopolis in January/February 2009, p. 17 – 25.

P. Grossmann-A. Abdal-Fattah-E. Bolman
Qasimīya; Report on the survey work from June 17 to June 19, 2003, p. 27 – 44.

P. Grossmann-T. Al-Naggar- M. Umran-M. Saad Salib
Excavation of the SCA Islamic section in the old laura of Wādī Awak (South Sinai), p. 45 – 60.

B. Huber
Neue Funde zur Textilherstellung in Qarara, p. 61 – 68.

Sohair S. Ahmed
A Coptic letter on potsherd, p. 69 – 72.

Sohair S. Ahmed
A Coptic ostracon, p. 73 – 75.

H. Szymańska-Krz. Babraj
Polish excavations in the basilica at Marea (Egypt) in 2007 and 2008, p. 77 – 84.

Y. N. Youssef
Some preliminary remarks on the Copto-Arabic version of the Book of the Philalethes, p. 85 – 92.

Y. N. Youssef
Liturgical texts related to John al-Jawhari, p. 93 – 106.

Y. N. Youssef
A new Arabic text ascribed to Severus of Antioch, p. 107 – 123.



Girgis Dawud (†)
Coptic icons (en arabe), p. 125 – 130.

Awad Wadi
L’église copte dans le voyage de Nicola de Martoni (1394) (en arabe), p. 131 – 149.

W. Boutros-Ghali
Presentation to the Institute of Coptic Studies on its First Symposium (en arabe), p. 151 – 153.



M. Cramer †-M. Krause (ed.), Das Koptische Antiphonar (M 575 und P 11967) [Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum (JThF) vol. 12, 2008], by P. Grossmann, p. 155 – 156.

Historical bibliography of Christian Egypt and Nubia, assembled and annotated by P. Grossmann, p. 157 – 185.



Wassif Boutros-Ghali
Le Pére Gérard Viaud SMA (1931-2008), in memoriam, p. 187.

Wassif Boutros-Ghali
Le professeur Boulos Ayad Ayad (1930-2009), in memoriam, p. 188 – 189.


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