Volume 26 (1984)

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L. S. B. MacCoull
Coptic sources: a problem in the sociology of knowledge, p. 1 – 8.

Dieter Ahrens
Some remarks on relations between Coptic and Buddhist art, p. 9 – 18.

Wm. Brashear
Quisquilliae, p. 19 – 22.

S. P. Brock
Tenth century diptychs of the Coptic Orthodox Church in a Syriac manuscript, p. 23 – 29.

J. E. Goehring
Byzantine coins from Jabal al-Tarif in Upper Egypt, p. 31 – 41.

R. Kasser
Phonologie superficielle et sous-jacente en copte, p. 43 – 49.

J. G. Keenan
The Aphrodite papyri and village life in Byzantine Egypt, p. 51 – 63.

L. S. B. MacCoull
Notes on the social structure of late antique Aphrodito, p. 65 – 78.

Jose O’callaghan
Papiro documental de la Facultad Teologica de Barcelona, p. 79 – 82.

M. Robertson
The reliability of the oral tradition in preserving Coptic music, p. 83 – 93.

P. J. Sijpesteijn
Two Coptic ostraca from the Moen collection, p. 95 – 97.

K. A. Worp
Studien zu spätgriechischen,  koptischen und arabischen Papyri, p. 99 – 108.

Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Notice historique sur la Société d’Archéologie Copte, p. 109 – 112.

Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Short History of the Society of Coptic Archaeology, p. 113 – 116.

Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Chronique/Activities (1983-1984), p. 117 – 119.


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