Volume 46 (2007)



P. Grossmann-J. Kosciuk
Report on the excavations at Bahig: Zawiyat al-‘Asayla (Tall Hassaila) in spring 2007, p. 9 – 29.

M. El-Hamrawi
The negative particles n, m, bw and ⲙⲡⲥ as features of dialects in Ancient Egyptian Language, p. 31 – 60.

B. Huber
Bautätigkeit und Wirtschaft in Deir el-Qarabin, Klosteranlage bei el-Kom el-Ahmar/Šaruna, p. 61 – 68.

K. Innemer-Youhanna N. Youssef
Virgins with censers, a 10th century painting of the Dormition in Deir al-Surian, p. 69 – 85.

Samiha Abd El-Shaheed
Numerals used for the paper manuscripts, p. 87 – 90.

Samiha Abd El-Shaheed
The significance of fish in Ancient and Coptic Egypt, p. 91 – 94.

Sherin Sadek El-Gendi
Mariyam the Copt: Her life and house, p. 95 – 117.

Awad Wadi (Éd.)
Correspondance du Prof. Dr. Murad Kamil (1907-1975) avec la Société d’archéologie copte et des articles qui le concernent, p. 119 – 135.

Youhanna N. Youssef
Fragments of the book of doxologies from Saint Macarius Monastery, p. 137 – 149.

Youhanna N. Youssef
Michael, A new Martyr according to a fragment from Saint Macarius Monastery, p. 151 – 158.

Youhanna N. Youssef
Procession of the Cross and the Palm Sunday according to a manuscript from Saint Macarius, p.  159 – 168.

Youhanna N. Youssef
Yearly Ode or Ode of Kihak. A Study of special Odes of the Coptic Church, p. 169 – 203.

U. Zanetti
Leçons liturgiques au Monastère Blanc: Ancient Testament, p. 205 – 230.

U. Zanetti
Leçons liturgiques au Monastère Blanc: Six typika, p. 231 – 304.



Girgis Daoud
The origins of monasticism (in Arabic), p. 305 – 307.

Nabil Farouk Fayez
The incoming of the Holy Family to the monastery of Eesos at the 25th of the month of Bašans (in Arabic), p. 309 – 328.



Y. N. Youssef, A homily on Severus of Antioch by a Bishop of Assiut (xv Century) edited and translated, Patrologia Orientalis, Tome 50, fasc. 1- No 222, (2006), par W. Boutros-Ghali, p. 329 – 330.

H. R. Seeliger-K. Krumeich, Archäologie der antiken Bischofssitze I: Spätantike Bischofssitze Ägyptens [Sprach. u. Kulturen d. christi. Orients 15, 2007], by P. Grossmann, P. 330 – 332.

L. M. Farag, St. Cyril of Alexandria, A New Testament Exegete, his commentary on the Gospel of John [Gorgias Dissertations 29, Early Christian Studies] New Jersey 2007, par Youhanna N. Youssef, p. 332 – 333.

Al. Hamilton, The Copts and the West 1439-1822, The European Discovery of the Egyptian Church, Oxford 2006, par Y. N. Youssef, p. 334 – 336.

Al. Hamilton, William Bedwell the Arabist 1563-1632 [publ. of the Sir Thoma Browne Institute Leiden No 5, 1985] par Y. N. Youssef, p. 336.

Historical bibliography of Christian Egypt and Nubia, assembled and annotated by P. Grossmann, p. 337 – 356.



W. Boutros-Ghali
Professor Dr. D. Renner-Volbach (1925-2006), in memoriam, p. 357.

W. Boutros-Ghali
Dr. Ishaac Fanous (1919-2007), in memoriam, p. 358.

W. Boutros-Ghali
Jean Doresse († 2007), in memoriam, p. 359.

W. Boutros-Gitali
Magdi Ayyad Youssef (1949-2007), in memoriam, p. 360 – 361.


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