Volume 60 (2021)



Abréviations, p. 9-14.

Wassif Boutros-Ghali
Peter Grossman, [1933-2021†], p. 15 – 50.

Roger S. Bagnall
The other caravan cities: Transport, capital, and inequality in the Egyptian oases, p. 51 – 74.

Dominique Bénazeth
« Un plan peu orthodoxe », p. 75 – 80.

Georges Descœudres
Kellia und Naqlun – ein siedlungsgeschichtlicher Vergleich, p.  81 – 111.

Regina Franke
Painting potters – a Late Roman plate with Lotus decoration from Nağ‘ al-Hağar (Upper Egypt), p. 112 -120.

Sherin Sadek El Gendi
Three Wooden Artifacts from the Museum of Antiquities in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, p. 121 – 138.

Ioannis Grossmann
The special prayer and sleeping chambers of the Kellia hermits, p. 139 – 150.

Karel Innemée
The Church of the Holy Virgin in Deir al-Surian – new insights in its architecture, p. 151 – 166.

Jacek Kościuk
Peter Grossmann’s Sense of field drawings and Its legacy, p. 167 – 180.

Michael Mackensen
Report of the final season at the Late Roman Fort at Nağ‘ al-Hağar near Kom Ombo (Upper Egypt), p. 181 – 194.

Marc Malevez
Suspicious Cohabitations: the Synesaktic Monks a Rereading of John Chrysostom’s Contra eos qui Subintroductas Habent, p. 195 – 212.

Wolf B. Oerter
Diakritika und handschriftliche Korrekturen in Nag-Hammadi-Kodex I, p. 213 – 238.

Anton Voytenko
« Nos pères les grands hommes » : l՚Histoire Proposée d՚Nne litanie Monastique dans l՚Égypte de l՚antiquité tardive, p. 239 – 264.

Youhanna N. Youssef
Saint Eirene in the Coptic Tradition, p. 265 – 272.


Nabil Farouk F. Awad
A unique Arabic Version for Maymar of Zacharias of Sakha about the Holy Family’s journey cop-ied from a lost bilingual version, p. 273 – 318.

Mickel Helmy Ragheb
A Greek origin of one of the Sahidic hymns that appeared in (BnF Copte 68): hymn from the Collection of the archimandrite fathers, p. 319 – 326.

Awad Wadi
Al-Mu’taman Ibn al-ʻAssāl (13th Century) al-Tabṣirah al-Mukhtaṣarah (The concise instruction), p. 327 -378.


Activités de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 2020–2021, p. 379 – 380.


Presentation of theses in Coptic studies in Egyptian Universities, p. 381 – 386.


Clara Elisabeth ten Hacken, The legend of saint Aūr and the monastery of Naqlūn, the Copto-Arabic texts, (Youhanna N. Youssef), p. 387.

Christine Chaillot, L’enseignement traditionnel de l’Église éthiopienne orthodoxe tãwahedo, foi et spiritualité, préface de Getachew Haile, (Youhanna N. Youssef), p. 388 – 390.


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