Volume 24 (1979-82)



Leslie S.B.Maccoull
Documentary texts from Pierpont Morgan Library, p. 1-19.

Martin Krause
Das christliche Theben: Neuere Arbeiten und Funde, p. 21- 23.

Roger S. Bagnall
The population of Theadelphia in the fourth century, p.  35-57.

Jacques Jarry
Inscriptions coptes de la grotte de la Bouma, p. 59-67.

Michael Lattke
The Gnostic interpretation of the Odes of Solomon in the Pistis Sophia, p. 69-84.

Donald Sanel
Two fragmentary Sa’idic Coptic texts pertaining to Peter I, patriarch of Alexandria (Bibliothèque National, Paris: MSS. Coptes 129 (14), foll. 109, 131), p. 85 – 102.

Leslie S.B.Maccoull
A Trinitarian formula in Dioscorus of Aphrodito, p. 103-110.

Jacques Jarry
Inscriptions gréco-coptes du Kom 6F aux Kellia, p. 111-113.

R. s. Bagnall
Theadelphian taxes in CPR VI 5, p.  115-118.



Dieter Ahrens
The Coptic collections of the Simeonstift,  Trier and Coptic metrology, p. 119-120.

Leslie S. B. Maccoull
Approaches to Coptic studies, p. 120-125.



Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Charles Kuentz (1895-1978), p. 127

Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Sami Gabra (1893-1979), p. 128-130.

Mirrit Boutros Ghali
‘Abdel Rahman Zaki (1904-1980), p. 131

Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Ibrahim Amin Ghali (1911-1981), p. 132-133






Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Chronique (1979-1982), p. 163-173.


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