Volume 43 (2004)



Dominique Bénazeth
Recherches archéologiques à Baouit: un nouveau départ, p. 9 – 24.

Peter Grossmann
A Journey to Several Monasteries between Naqada and Qamula in Upper Egypt, p. 25 – 32.

Peter Grossmann
Report on the Excavations at Abu Mina in Spring 2003, p. 33 – 43.

B. Huber
Die Klosteranlage bei el-Kom el-Ahmar /Šaruna (Mittelägypten), p. 45 – 61.

H. Chr. Noeske
Münzen aus dem Nachlass von C.M. Kaufmann im Liebieghaus, p. 63 – 88.

Refaad Al-Taher, M. abd Al-Hafiz, P. Grossmann
Excavation and restoration by the SCA islamic section at the northern church complex of Tall al-Makhzan (season spring 2003), p. 89 – 94.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
The Coptic Catena on the Four Gospels According to Severus of Antioch. I. The Gospel of Matthew, p. 95 – 120.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
A Coptic Version of the Homily 28 of Severus of Antioch, p. 121 – 126.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
The Coptic Marian Homilies of Severus of Antioch, p. 127 – 140.

Youhanna Nessim Youssef
Fragments of the Coptic Version of the Sixtieth Homily of Severus of Antioch, p. 141 – 144.



S. Schaten: G. Schmelz, Kirchliche Amtsträger im spätantiken Ägypten nach den Aussagen der griechischen und koptischen Papyri und Ostraka, p. 145 – 147.

S. Schaten: Aus Gräbem geborgen: Koptische Textilien aus eigener Sammlerg, eine Ausstellung des Deutsches Textilmuseums Krefeld vom 25. Mai – 14. September 2003, p. 147 – 150.

Youhanna N. Youssef: L. Stork, Koptische Handschriften 4, Die Handschriften der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, p. 150 – 152.

Youhanna N. Youssef: Chr. Cannuyer, Études Coptes VIII, Cahiers de la Bibliothèque Copte 13, p. 152 – 156.

Youhanna N. Youssef: Coptica, vol. 2 (2003) Proandings of the Wadi al-Natman Symposion, p. 156 – 159.

Youhanna N. Youssef: Z. Skalova-Gawdat Gabra, Icons of the Nile Valley, p. 159 – 162.

Youhanna N. Youssef: M.A. Youssef, دروس مبسطة في اللغة القبطية للمبتدئين [Simplifial lessons of the Coptic language for the beginners], p. 162 – 163.

Youhanna N. Youssef: J. J. Kamil, Christianity in the land of the Pharaohs, the Coptic Orthodox Chroch, p. 163 – 166.

P. Grossmann and S. Schaten: Historical bibliography of Christian Egypt and Nubia, assembled and annotated, p. 167 – 185.



W. Boutros-Ghali
M. Van Esbroeck (1934-2003), in memoriam, p. 186.



Fayoum symposium held in the monastery of Deir Al-Azab in Fayoum from February 5 to February 10, 2004, p. 187 – 189.

Programme des conferences au siege de la Soc. d’Archeologie copte, p. 190.


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