Volume 25 (1983)

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G. Gordon
ⲗⲓⲙⲏⲛ, ‘portrait’, ‘image’, p.   1-52.

Gawdat Gabra
Zu einem arabischen Bericht über Pésyntheus, einem Heiligen aus Hermonthis im 4.-5. Jh., p.  53-60.

L. S. B. Maccoull
μουοειδής in Dioscorus of Aphrodito: an addendum, p. 61-64.

P. Grossmann
The “Gruftkirche” of Abu Mina during the fifth century A.D., p. 67-71.

M. Rodziewicz
Egyptian glazed pottery of the eighth to ninth century, p. 73-75.

D. Ahrens
Geometric pattern of ‘Athanasian’ origin on early Coptic textiles: recent acquisition of the Trier Museum, p.  77-81.

L. Papini
Notes on the formulary of some Coptic documentary papyri from Middle Egypt, p. 83-89.

L. S. B. Maccoull
Additions to the prosopography of Aphrodito from Coptic documents, p. 91-94.

W. Macomber
The Christian Arabic manuscripts of the Franciscan Center of Oriental Studies of Muski, p. 95-99.

P. Du Bourguet S.J.
Le mot ‘copte’, p.  101-106

J. Den Heijer
Quelques remarques sur la deuxième partie de l’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie, p. 107-124.



Laszlo Kakosy
Ilona Borsai (1924-1982), p. 125-126.


Notices of Books/ Notices Bibliographiques, p. 127 – 135.


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