Volume 27 (1985)

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J. Den Heler
L’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie: recension primitive et vulgate, p. 1 – 29.

M. Krause
Die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Phoibammon-Klöstern auf dem thebanischen Westufer, p. 31 – 44.

L. S. B. Maccoull
Egyptian elements in the “Christus Patiens”, p. 45 – 51.

L. S. B. Maccoull
Coptic documentary papyri in the Hyvernat collection, p. 53 – 60.

L. S. B. Maccoull
Three cultures under Arab rule: the fate of Coptic, p. 61 – 70.

M. W. Meyer
O. Moen 34: a second look, p. 71 – 72.

M. Robertson
The reliability of the oral tradition in preserving Coptic music, II: A comparison of two recordings of the hymn ⲧⲉⲛⲟⲩⲱϣⲧ, p. 73 – 85.

L. Avdoyan
Prolegomena to the study of ancient and medieval Armenian history in the United States, p.  87 – 92.

D. Olster
Chalcedonian and Monophysite: the union of 616, p. 93 – 108.


Book Reviews / Comptes Rendus, p. 109 -114.
Chronique/Activities (1985), p. 115


G. S. Korr
S. D. Goitein, p. 117 – 119.


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