

Memorandum of Understanding

Cairo, Egypt, 26-27 February 2024) We are pleased to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Hamburg, Hiob Ludolph Centre for Ethiopian and Eritrean Studies, and the Coptic Archeology Society. Through this MoU, we hope…

The First International Conference in Coptic Archaeology

Colloque international Du samedi 24 septembre 2022 au lundi 26 septembre 2022 à 9h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO  The First International Conference in Coptic Archaeology   (Language- Architecture – Arts- Manuscripts) المؤتمر الدولي الأول للآثار القبطية (اللغة – العمارة – الفنون – المخطوطات)   …