Volume 17 (1963-64)



Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Walter Till (1894-1963), p. 1 – 12.

P. Du Bourguet
Quelquels dérogations aux «règles» de la grammaire copte, p. 13 – 21.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester
An offertory-consecratory prayer in the Greek and Coptic liturgy of Saint Mark, p. 23 – 33.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester
The Bodleian folio and further fragments of the Coptic-Greek-Arabic Holy Week lectionary from Scetis, p. 35 – 48.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester
Four parchment folios of a Bohairic horologion from Scetis, p. 49 – 56.

M. De Fenoyl
Une inscription funéraire bilingue, p. 57 – 61.

W. A. Girgis
Greek Loan Words in Coptic, p. 63 – 73.

Ant. Khater
Nouveaux fragments du synaxaire arabe de l’Église Copte, p. 75 – 100.

J. Leipoldt
Zur Ideologie der frühen koptischen Kirche, p. 101 – 110.

O. F. A. Meinardus
A comparative study on the sources of the synaxarium of the Coptic Church, p. 111 – 156.

T. Poladian
The doctrinal position of the monophysite churches, p. 157 – 175.



Participation de la société aux manifestations internationales, p. 177.

Ant. Khater
communication faite à Essen le 26 juillet 1963, p. 177 – 180.

O. F. A. Meinardus
Le symposium de l’Art Copte à Essen, p. 180 – 181.

Chr. Kuentz
Le Catalogue de l’Exposition d’Art Copte à Essen, p. 182 – 184.



J. Drescher
The dictionary: further notes and comments, p.185 – 195.

W. C. Till
Beiträge zu W.E. Crums Coptic Dictionary, p.197 – 224.



O. F. A. Meinardus
The museum of Dair as-Surîân also known as the Monastery of the Holy Virgin and St. John Kame, p. 225 – 234.



O. H. E. Khs-Burmester, Catalogue of the Byzantine and Early Mediaeval Antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, MARVIN C. Ross, vol. I, Washington, D.C. 1962, pp. 115+ pl. 65, XVII, 235-237.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester, The Gospel of John in Fayumic Coptic (P. Mich. Inv. 3521), ELINOR M. HUSSELMAN, University of Michigan, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Studies 2, Ann Arbor, 1962, pp. Ix + 96+ pl. 6, XVII, 237-238.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester, Die Koptischen Ostraka der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, WALTER C. TILL. Texte, Übersetzungen, Indices. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 78. Band, 1. Abhandlung). Wien, 1960, pp. x + 114, XVII, 238-239.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester, Koptische Dialektgrammatik. Mit Lesestrücken und Wörterbuch, WALTER C. TILL. 2nd revised edition. München, 1961, pp. 157, XVII, 239.

O. H. E. Khs-Burmester, Datierung und Prosopographie der Koptischen Urkunden aus Theben, WALTER C. TILL, Wien, 1962, pp. 242, XVII, 239-241.

M. De Fenoyl, In the Steps of the Holy Family from Bethlehem to Upper Egypt, Otto F.A. Meinardus, Le Caire, Dar al-Maaref, 1963, pp. 66+ pl. 16 hors-texte, XVII, 242-243.

Otto Meinardus, Die Engellehre der Koptischen Kirche, C. DETLEF G. MÜLLER, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1959, pp. 324, XVII, 243-247.

Otto Meinardus, Die Morgenlandischen Kirchen. Handbuch der Orientalistik, BERTOld Spuler, Erste Abteilung. Band VIII. Abschnitt 2, Leiden/Köln: E.J. Brill, 1961, pp. 204; XVII, 247-252.

Otto Meinardus, The Quest for Eastern Christians. Travels and Rumor in the Age of Discovery, FRANCIS M. ROGERS; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1962, pp. 221, XVII, 252-253.

Otto Meinardus, Who Are the Copts?, SHENOUDA HANNA, Third Edition, Cairo, Costa Tsoumas and Co., 1963, pp. 210+pl. 41. The Coptic Church-Symbolism and Icon- ography, Cairo, Costa Tsoumas and Co., 1962, pp. 84, XVII, 253-256.

Otto Meinardus, Medieval Cairo and the Monasteries of the Wâdi ‘n-Natrûn, DOROTHEA RUSSELL, A Historical Guide, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962, pp. 368 + pl. 24, XVII, 256-261.

Otto Meinardus, Zur Soziologie des Byzantinischen Mönchtums, DEMOSTHENES SAVRAMIS, Leiden/Köln: E.J. BRILL, 1962, pp. 99, XVII, 262-265.

Otto Meinardus, Koptische Kunst-Die Spätantike in Ägypten, KLAUS WESSEL, Reckling- hausen Aurel Bongers, 1963, pp. 265+23 coloured and 133 black and white illustrations, XVII, 265-273.

W. C. TILL, Editionen koptischer Bibelhandschriften aus der Sammlung Martin Bodmer, RODOLPHE KASSER, Cologny-Genève (Schweiz), XVII, 273-277.

Abdel Rahman Zaki. From Diocletian to the Arab Invasion. (The History of the Egyptian Civilization), MURAD KAMIL, vol. II, fasc. 3-4, pp. 197-320, Cairo, 1962, XVII, 277-282.



Mirrit Boutros Ghali
Kamel Osman Ghaleb (1882-1963), p. 283 – 284.


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