Volume 52 (2013)



Wassif Boutros-Ghali
In Memoriam, Professor Dr. Rodolphe Kasser, p. 8 – 10.

S. S. Ahmed
A glossary of Arabic Terms Written in Coptic Script, p. 11 – 29.

P. Grossmann
An unusual hermitage in Imbāba al-Mansurīya Architectural description, Pl. I-IV, p. 31 – 43.

P. Grossmann–J.  Kościuk–H.  Witte
Report on the excavations at Abū Mīnā in April/May 2013, Pl. V-XIV, p. 45 – 76.

B. Huber
Ein koptischer Sarg, Pl. XV-XXVI, p. p. 77 – 98.

J. Jarry
Une insurrection copte inconnue à la fin du VIIe siècle, p. 99 – 111.

E. G. I. Salib
The representation of Virgin Mary (Theotokos), Pl. XXVII-XXXI, p. 113 – 123.

Y. N. Youssef
Discours attribués à Jules d’Akfahs en l’honneur du St. Martyr Ischyrion, p. 125 – 142.

Y. N. Youssef
Further remarks on the icon of Julius of Akfahs, p. 143 – 152.

N. F. Fayez
Royal Firman of the Nishan Medal for Cyril V, Patriarch of Alexandria by Alexander Romanov III the Tzar of Russia, p. 169 – 187.



N. F. Fayez
Commemoration of the martyrs of Akhmim and of two martyrs Dioskurus and Esklapius as it came in the Arabic manuscript of the Ethiopian Synaxarion, p. 153 – 168.



Chr. Chaillot, Les Coptes d’Égypte – discriminations et persécutions (1970-2011), Paris: L’Oeuvre éditions 2011, 316 pp (by Y.N. YOUSSEF), p. 189 – 192.

S. Toda, Vie de S. Macaire l’Égyptien, édition et traduction des textes Copte et Syriaques, Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 31, New Jersey: Gorgias Press 2012, 704 pp (by Y.N. YOUSSEF), p. 191 – 192.

Historical bibliography of Christian Egypt and Nubia, assembled and annotated (by P. GROSSMANN), p. 193 – 216.



W. Boutros-Ghali
Dr. Marvin Meyer (1948 – 2012), In Memoriam, p. 217.


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